CRNZ recognises the importance of wellbeing for all individuals involved in our sport.

Performance sport can be tough so it’s vital that athletes are supported throughout their journey in sport. It takes a village to raise and support an athlete; not limited to clubs, schools, athletes, coaches (club and high performance), CRNZ,  and supporters. Wellbeing is important for ensuring sustainable transitions in, during, and out of athlete pathways and high performance programmes. 

Some resources and tools available to support Pathway and High Performance athlete wellbeing include:

  • Just A Thought NZ mental health resources. 
  • Talk with your coach, the GM of Performance, or the CEO.
  • Contact the designated HPSNZ Clinical Psychologists or Performance Life Advisors.
  • Contact the CRNZ Athlete Voice Representatives (Caitlin Regal, Hamish Legarth and Kurtis Imrie) on:
  • Utilizing the HPSNZ Athlete Wellbeing resources.

We have a number of policies in place to support wellbeing including:

Some external resources include:

If you’re worried about something or if you have a concern or question related to your involvement in paddling, we want to address it. Communication is essential for us to resolve problems, but also for us to be aware of and deal with potential issues before problems arise.
People you can speak to:
  1. Any staff member you feel comfortable with.
  2. Our Athlete Voice Representatives at .
  3. Any board member you feel comfortable with.
  4. Our Child Protection Officer Danika:
  5.  Contact the independent NZ Sport Integrity Commission through their website.